full service demolition contractors

Waste Management and Recycling

City Demolition undertakes a pre-demolition survey to identify the materials to be recycled, reused or reclaimed. Recycled aggregates will be retained on site for use in development projects. Any reclaimed building materials and salvage will be resold which allows our prices to be more competitive to our clients. Any other materials are sent for waste recycling. We are able to reduce environmental impact by minimising waste taken to land fill. We fully comply with waste management regulations and comply with all legislation.

There are many benefits to our procedures as primary aggregate are charged per tonne by law we can generates cost benefits by recycling as well as the environmental advantages. By recycling, reusing and reclaiming we are able to further reduce carbon emission as we reduce the transportation of these materials. We at City demoltion have been reusing, reclaiming and recycling for decades, giving us the experience and knowledge to create the most eco-friendly contracts practically possible.